– Eastern Oregon Mining Association
– 20211003

Volume 385

Many thanks to Alice Knapp for letting us continue to meet at the saw shop while City Hall is not available for meetings. We will have a meeting on OCTOBER 1st, 2021 at the Elk Creek Enterprises saw shop located at 890 Elm Street. The Board Meeting will begin at 6:00PM with the general meeting following at 6:30PM. Don’t forget, we will give away a $50 dollar silver medallion at the end of the meeting. Come to the meeting, buy a ticket, and support EOMA.

Jan and I watched the August virtual Town Hall meeting hosted by Ron Wyden. Some environmentalist “rancher” from Grant County talked about how wonderful it was to protect our rivers, lots of presentations by “TheTribes” members, only one person talked briefly about the Capital Press front page story about the Act, showing a picture of a rancher standing with his feet on either side of a little dry gulch nominated under the Act as a Wild and Scenic River. Wyden defended including intermittent tributaries because they provided “drinking water”!
Wyden emphasized how this proposal would not affect private property rights. This Bill bans the ability to develop storage water for future use. Ironically, it includes segments that only have water because it is provided by storage from reservoirs. Privately owned damsites for future water projects would become useless. Wyden said he would make sure federal and state agencies control wildfires, but with mile wide corridors with restricted road access, this is just an empty promise.

Miners with existing claims would be protected until some technicality at BLM null and voids the claim and the miner has no right to refile. Also, if the minerals on an existing claim were discovered to extend beyond the boundaries of the existing claim, mining of the deposit could not be expanded onto adjacent lands. None of this came out during the Town Hall. This bill is really bad for Oregon.

Miners were looking forward to having Plans of Operation approved for the 2021 mining season. Unfortunately, that has not happened. The new Biden administration put a hold on all EISs, according to the Forest Service. They have had to republish the document in the Federal Register. There is no timeframe at this point on approvals of Plans of Operation.

While waiting on Plan approval, we have lost several EOMA members. Ed Baldwin, his partner Jim Everhardt, and Gary Murhee all died this past year. Many others have encountered health challenges over the ten years since they submitted their Plans, and would like to sell their claims. EOMA hopes to see all the Powder Plans of Operation approved for mining in 2022.

Many gold investors might be fretting over the prospect of the Federal Reserve curbing monetary stimulus, but Germans are still loading up.

Demand for physical bullion in Germany, traditionally the biggest coin and bar buyer in Europe, was the highest since at least 2009 in the first half, World Gold Council data show. While purchases in other Western markets have also been strong, Germans in particular are pouring into the metal as a hedge against rising inflation — and dealers say business remains good.
“We have a long history of inflation fear in our DNA. Now the inflation risk is picking up,” said Raphael Scherer, a managing director at metals dealer Philoro Edelmetalle, whose gold sales are up 25% on what was already a strong 2020. “The outlook for precious metals is very positive.”

Germany’s love of gold has its origins in the hyperinflation seen under the Weimar Republic a century ago, which saw consumers’ buying power collapse. Last month, the reopening of the economy helped German inflation jump to the highest in more than a decade. Negative interest rates in Europe are also making non-yielding assets like gold more attractive, Scherer said.
First-half demand for bar and coins in Germany increased by 35% from the previous six months, compared with 20% in the rest of the world, WGC data show.

Still, gold prices have fallen almost 7% since early June as the market braces for the Fed to curb its massive stimulus measures that helped send the metal to a record high in 2020. Traders will closely watch the central bank’s gathering in Jackson Hole this week for clues on the timing of tapering. On the other side of the Atlantic, expectations for a rate hike by the European Central Bank in the coming years remains muted. That may support demand for gold in Germany, even if global prices ease. Gold has “always played a certain role among German investors,” said Alexander Zumpfe, senior trader at refiner Heraeus Metals Germany GmbH & Co. KG. “With the increased buying interest in recent years, however, it has become even more present.”

At the last EOMA meeting, our organization voted to send Kerry McQuisten $1500 to help with her campaign. Ed Hardt stated: she fits right into our agenda and goals set forth in our mission statement, some of them being:
1. Promote the concept of multiple use for all public lands
2. Promote the concept of natural resources locations and development on public domain while maintaining a sound environment.
3. Oppose the unnecessary regulations of the natural resource industries, by all levels of Federal, State and county government.

Kerry is currently the mayor of Baker City and is becoming known throughout the State. When asked about what she would do for Oregon, if elected Governor, she provided the following.

“I would like to be able to focus on topics like public safety, proper forest management and homelessness, but Kate Brown’s latest overreach has pushed the mandate issue right back to the top of the list. On October 18th, healthcare workers, teachers and state employees will be fired en masse if they don’t accept a vaccine they don’t want. As mayor of Baker City, I can attest that as an employer, we will be fined $500 per day per incident, and our city manager and fire chief could personally also be fined if we don’t force our staff to vaccinate … or terminate them.

We won’t do it. We can’t lose our city fire department. We can’t lose our local hospital staff. Or our adult foster care homes. Or our rural fire departments. Or our local prison staff. Or the ODF, ODOT, ODA, DMV, OSP, DHS and other staff performing core services. Kate Brown is out of her mind!

Last night, we decided to fight back as a city by seeking legal counsel with the intent of gathering other cities and counties together to file suit. This is an unbelievable situation we’ve been pushed into. Oregonians shouldn’t be forced to fight for their rights. If I were governor, you would never have to. Please help me stop this tyranny. My campaign is grassroots, and every dollar counts!”

We were very pleased to share Perpetua Resources announcement earlier this month that they have reached a supply agreement with Ambri, an American battery technology company. Perpetua will supply antimony from its Stibnite Gold Project in Idaho, which Ambri will use to manufacture utility-scale batteries. Utility-scale batteries are typically charged by wind turbines or solar panels while the wind blows or the sun shines, and the batteries are available to provide electricity to the grid if demand peaks when the wind stops, nightfall comes or cloudy weather diminishes solar generation.
Thus, batteries can help even out the peaks and valleys of renewable power sources, making renewables more feasible and attractive to utilities.
There has been a push from Congress to replace the mining claim location system with leases and royalties. American Exploration and Mining is involved in convincing Congress that leasing will not work.

• The geology of hardrock mineral deposits must define the land tenure system. The Mining Law
claim location system is exceptionally well-suited for hardrock mineral exploration because:
o It promotes self-initiation and facilitates iterative exploration and modification of the
claim block in response to refinement of target concepts, upgrading/downgrading
prospective areas.
o It does not impose spatial or temporal constraints like those associated with most leases,
which are incompatible with the requirements for hardrock mineral exploration and
• Hardrock minerals are rare and hard to find – especially compared to oil and gas deposits which
are much more abundant and occur in well-understood, large sedimentary basins or easy to
identify and much more abundant coal seams
o NAS has found 1,000 deposits must be examined in order to discover one hardrock
mineral deposit that can be developed into an economically viable mine.
o Only 0.084% of lands open to location under the Mining Law have operating mines –
looking for a needle in a haystack.
• The success of federal leasing programs for coal, oil and gas cannot be extrapolated to hardrock
minerals due to fundamental geological differences between oil, gas, coal and hardrock mineral
deposits that make a hardrock leasing program untenable – whether on public domain or
acquired lands.
• Oil and gas are fluid minerals that occur in well understood sedimentary basins where
geophysical surveys that do not disturb the surface can identify oil and gas targets with a high
likelihood of success. Once an oil well is drilled, it can readily be modified into a production
well. Leasing works for deposits with predictable and well understood geology – sedimentary
basins with high probability of finding oil and gas or coal seams.
o Almost two-thirds of federal oil and gas leases and 50% of lands under federal leases
have producing wells.
• Hardrock mineral deposits are solid minerals that occur in areas with much more complex
geology and typically have unique geologic, geochemical, and metallurgical characteristics
that distinguish them from other similar mineral deposits.
o Defining a hardrock mineral deposit requires extensive exploration and development
drilling. Once drilling has sufficiently defined the deposit to support a decision to
develop a mine, huge investments are required to build the mine and processing
o Target identification – discovery – development process can take 15 – 20 years. Thus,
a land tenure system that is premised on this geologic reality is necessary.


EOMA still has silver medallions available. They are currently selling for $50.00 apiece plus $5.00 shipping, handling, and insurance. (Prices are subject to change).

You can order your medallion from the EOMA website and pay by pay-pal. Or, you can send $50 plus $5.00 shipping and handling to EOMA, Medallions, PO Box 932, Baker City, OR 97814, or call 541-310-8510. Also, you can buy them at our EOMA meetings.

Two water pumps with belt driven clutch system (heavy duty) driven by a 2-cylinder Wisconsin gas engine for $250.

Also, a 5″ intake 7″ discharge Fairbanks and Morse high pressure pump. Driven by a 30 HP 3 phase electric motor for $450. Call Ken Anderson at 541-523-2521 or 541-519- 9497

This magnetometer measures the amount of magnetics in the ground, such as magnetite. Since magnetite is associated with gold, the magnetometer can help greatly with prospecting, since it will show you the amount of magnetite that may well be associated with gold in the ground. The more magnetite, the more gold. $400 or cash $350. Call Chuck Chase, 541-310-8510.

I need a jaw crusher or small hammer mill. Please call Pete at 541-910-9712 if you have one you want to sell.

Gold Specimens and Gold nuggets, mostly from Oregon mines. Fair prices paid. Also selling Gold nugget jewelry, specimens, nuggets and more. For an interesting and informative experience explore www.northernnevadagold.com. Call Robert 775-455-6470.

These claims are in the Greenhorn Mining District, adjacent to the Parkerville and the Bonanza patented properties. Geiser Bowl- 60 acres, PW #1- 80 acres, PW #6 -100 acres, Black Beauty- 100 acres, Blue Mt Channel #3-100 acres, Carranza-80 acres, Dottie Two-80acres, Mart Jones-60 acres, Wizzer-80 acres.
Contact LaRayn Rose for list prices, and of course, any reasonable offer will be considered especially for multiple claim purchases. (503) 317-6914

ICMJ’s Prospecting and Mining Journal is your monthly source for news, legislation, how-to articles and more. A full year (12 issues) is still only $27.95; or get a print and an online subscription for just $31.95, and get access to our last 16 years of articles online too. Published monthly since 1931.

Visit us at www.icmj.com or call at (831) 479-1500 to get your subscription.

AMS is selling out all assay supplies, screens, chemicals and labware! Call for quote and mention this ad for 35% off! Assay supplies, concentrators, impact mills, technical books (for the beginner to the advanced mill man), & more!

Call for our free catalog or visit us online! Check out their website for information on wave tables. Want to pick up an order in Plains Montana? We have moved to Plains, Montana…. please call 406.826.9330 to place the order on will call first, this way our staff can have it pulled and ready for pick up. Otherwise, we can always ship your order! sales@actionmining.com • www.actionmining.com

A lot of information in this newsletter was obtained from the American Exploration & Mining Association newsletter. To stay up to date on mining issues, you can become a member of AEMA.
by going to their website at info@miningamerica.org

EOMA is a member of OCAPA. This is undoubtedly the largest type of mining in Oregon. They have a very interesting and informative website that also may be of interest to metal miners. They keep track of the bills introduced in Oregon’s legislature that may affect all mining in Oregon.
It will be necessary to remind the Oregon legislators, who mainly come from the Willamette Valley, that not all of Oregon has a moderate climate. A bill such as SB 715 which mandates higher percentages of biodiesel doesn’t work for the people who live and work at higher elevations.
Check out their website: https://www.ocapa.net

If you have informative or interesting articles about mining items to share in the newsletter, send them to Ken Alexander alxk@ortelco.net, or Chuck Chase CHASE3285@msn.com, or Jan Alexander alx@ortelco.net.

Be sure to indicate the source of the information you send.

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